Cannes Future Lions Winner 2022

Cannes Future Lions Winner 2022


Gymshark was asking how to get people to workout if they’ve never had access to a gym or basic fitness education. And when half of Americans feel intimidated by the gym — we wanted to meet them where they are and show them working out was for them, too. What if conditioning newbies got the opportunity to learn the fundamentals from people that look like them? The Tank is a smart filter on TikTok that lets users become their own personal trainer, showing them perfect form in their own body.

ROLE: Art Direction
Ted Masterson, Copywriter
Tony Wong, Art Director


Getting to wrap up my portfolio school at Cannes and Future Lions was absolutely wild. Spending time with teams from all over the world was the highlight of the trip — it was a gregarious bunch from Sweden, Singapore and Spain. Ted, Tony and I were thrilled to represent the USA and Miami Ad which won school of the year. There was also time to take a dip in the Med and enjoy life. Grateful.